Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Sport benifits Essay Example for Free

Sport benifits Essay Benefits Of Sports Improving A Stable Lifestyle And Teamwork Ability There are tons of people that say sports are good for you. Some might even get tired of hearing all the advantages of sports from different people touting the benefits on tv. Whether its from an athlete, a physician, or an ordinary individual, the benefits of sports cannot be denied. Lets explore each sports benefits and see how they affect our lives and how they give a better lifestyle for those who do regular sports activity. One of the obvious benefits of sports would be the health benefits. Its a fact that sports are the best methods in losing and maintaining weight. Performing exercise with sports help you burn than excess fat and calories in your body that in return makes you healthier. Although modern technology and methods allow artificial ways to remove fat such as liposuction and other medical procedures. These artificial ways cannot improve and strengthen vital organs of the body like how sport activities do. One of the specific system of the body that receives the greatest benefit would be your cardiovascular system which includes the heart. You muscles will also gain benefits as it becomes more developed thus making you stronger with more power and force. Lungs too will also gain benefits as your respiratory system gets stronger thus allows you to breath in thinner air. All of these things indeed make your body healthier thus should extend your life pass the average age. Theres no doubt about the health benefits of sports even if your ask an ordinary guy about it. Preventing various diseases is one of the best benefits of sports. Living healthy wards off diseases that are truly costly from medication to actual treatments and surgeries. To do so, start involving yourself in various sport activities whether its indoors or outdoors. Another benefits of sports is how various sport activities improve your being as a whole. Sports build up character in a way that is specifically unique to playing or doing a sport activity. Sports enhance your decision making abilities that might help in real life. Sports help you build patience and control even through extreme pressures. There are so many values that sports can teach an individual such as perseverance, honesty, obedience, and so many others. All of these are enhanced as one involves themselves in sports specially when the activity involves other people. Lastly, benefits of sports also include how these activities help you get socialized with people. You can say that sports are also good for the soul. Many can gain friends by involving themselves in sport activities that involves other people. There are many group sports to mention such as: marathons, baseball, soccer, and others. Even just watching sports on television along with friends is enough to get you socializing with other people which is good for you. No matter how you look at sports, advantages of sports will never be denied and will continue to play an important role in everyones life.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

common law and equity Essays -- essays research papers

Equity is frequently referred to as a supplement to the common law. Cruzon defines Equity as a system of law developed by the court of chancery in parallel with the common law. It was designed to complement it, providing remedies for situations that were unavailable at Law. Because of this, Equity provided a dimension of flexibility and justice that was often times lacking because of the common law’s rigidity. This rigidity stems from the fact that, while courts sometimes altered their jurisdictions and procedures, the fundamental premises and noticeable forms of the common law went largely unchanged between the 13th and 19th centuries. The common law was regarded as a birthright for all Englishmen; however, as the Crown continued to impose new jurisdictions, many statues sought to protect the peoples’ right to due process. In 1215 the Magna Carta was issued which sought to protect a free man’s right to life, liberty, and property except by the due process of the law. These statutes meant to limit the power of the crown, the very power that had introduced the common law as an alternative to the previous localized form of justice, and characterized a shift in the common law. Yet, due process legislation could only be invoked where the common law was considered to be deficient, and petitions were sent to the king, seeking his grace, when this was thought to be the case. Gradually the number of these petitions increased so much that they had to be reserved for special councils of the parliament, and as they continued to increase, only the most significant petitions were reserved for the parliament. The re st, mainly private suits, were passed on to individual councilors such as the chancellor, admiral, or marshal. These councilors grew in importance as petitioners began approach the appropriate individual directly. Out of the councilors’ arrangements for dealing with these cases, along with their added significance, developed several distinct courts. The most important of these was that of the chancellor as it developed its own jurisprudence. The Chancery began as the royal secretariat. Originally it was a department where royal writs and charters were drawn and sealed. Much of the chancellor’s later power stemmed from the fact that he had custody of the great seal of England, which was used to authenticate these documents. Because the writs originated from thi... ...  Ã‚  In the 19th century radical reforms of the judicial system attacked the practical flaws of the chancery. In 1813 the supreme power of the chancellor was checked by the appointment of a vice-chancellor. Later, this effort was continued by increasing the power of the Master of the Rolls, and the abolition of many of the offices in the court. By reducing the spread of the court and once again streamlining business, hopes were for joining the two courts and, once and for all, eliminating the rivalry between them. After 500 years, however, the chancery still left a bad taste in peoples’ mouths, and under Victorian legislation, the power of the supreme courts was increased to administer the law and equity: the chancery and the common law courts were abolished, forever ending the age old dispute between the two. While the chancery was abolished, equity has taken on a broader meaning and still survives today in England and the US. It is that approach to justice giving more precedent to particular facts of a case. Equity is important because it gave increasing protection to the individual, and represented a breaking away from the medieval notion of the all-powerful feudal lord.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Filipino people Essay

Rizal pointed out that long before the coming of the Spaniards, the Filipinos were industrious and hardworking. It is the Spanish reign that brought about a decline in economic activities because of certain causes. First, the establishment of the Galleon Trade cut off all previous associations of the Philippines with other countries in Asia and the Middle East. As a result, business was only conducted with Spain through Mexico. Because of this, the small businesses and handicraft industries that flourished during the pre-Spanish period gradually disappeared. Second, Spain also extinguished the natives’ love of work because of the implementation of forced labor. the Filipinos were compelled to work in shipyards, roads, and other public works, abandoning agriculture, industry, and commerce. Third, Spain did not protect the people against foreign invaders and pirates. With no arms to defend themselves, the natives were killed, their houses burned, and their lands destroyed. As a result of this, the Filipinos were forced to become nomads, lost interest in cultivating their lands or in rebuilding the industries that were shut down, and simply became submissive to the mercy of God. Fourth, there was a crooked system of education. What was being taught in the schools were repetitive prayers and other things that could not be used by the students to lead the country to progress. There were no courses in Agriculture, Industry, etc. , which were badly needed by the Philippines during those times. Fifth, the Spanish rulers were a bad example to despise manual labor. The officials reported to work at noon and left early, all the while doing nothing in line with their duties. The women were seen constantly followed by servants who dressed them and fanned them – personal things which they ought to have done for themselves. Sixth, gambling was established and widely propagated during those times. Almost everyday there were cockfights, and during feast days, the government officials and friars were the first to engange in all sorts of bets and gambles. Seventh, there was a crooked system of religion. The friars taught the naive Filipinos that it was easier for a poor man to enter heaven, and so they preferred not to work and remain poor so that they could easily enter heaven after they died. Lastly, the taxes were extremely high, so much so that a huge portion of what they earned went to the government or to the friars. When the object of their labor was removed and they were exploited, they were reduced to inaction. Rizal admitted that the Filipinos did not work so hard because they were wise enough to adjust themselves to the warm, tropical climate. â€Å"An hour’s work under that burning sun, in the midst of pernicious influences springing from nature in activity, is equal to a day’s labor in a temperate climate. † According to Rizal, all the causes of indolence can be reduced to two factors. The first factor is the limited training and education Filipino natives receive. Segregated from Spaniards, Filipinos do not receive the same opportunities that are available to the foreigners. They are taught to be inferior. The second factor is the lack of a national sentiment of unity among them. Because Filipinos think they are inferior, they submit to the foreign culture and do everything to imitate it. The solution, according to Rizal, would be education and liberty. Rizal’s Philosophy of the Human Person 1. Freedom from friar influence pervades the letter and Rizal proffered a stinging rebuke against them by saying that God’s command is different that of the priest. 2. According to rizal, the integrity of conduct is no longer about â€Å"prolonged kneeling†, large rosaries, soiled scapular. † 3. That living the Christian life is far richer and immensely beneficial if we have faith in God within reason and what is just, because unquestioning obedience would sustain the bondage that has imprisoned even the conscience of man, who is â€Å"born without chains. † 4. The mind, according to Rizal, is a gift from God that must be kindled if we are to sustain our faith and illumine whatever activity man does, even with regards to faith. 5. Faith and reason doesn’t cancel each other, they are like the two wings of one bird or the chambers of one heart; neither can stand without the other and one is designed to reinforce the other. 6. For Rizal this is the only way to understand the function of reason in the strengthening of faith. Rizal’s Feminist Thoughts 1. Rizal found comfort and encouragement from the display of valor made by the youthful ladies of malolos; 2. In his letter, he expresses great joy and satisfaction over the battle they had fought. 3. In this portion of Rizal’s letter, it is obvious that his ultimate desire was for women to be offered the same opportunities as those received by men in terms of education. 4. During those days young girls were not sent to school because of the universal notion that they would soon only be taken as wives and stay at home with the children. 5. Rizal, however, emphasizes on freedom of thought and the right to education, which must be granted to both boys and girls alike regardless of gender. Moral Responsibilities of Woman 1. For Rizal, the woman is the first teacher of mankind and the mother of civilization. 2. Rizal says let us be reasonable and open our eyes, especially the women, because they are the ones who open the minds of men. 3. Consider that a good mother is different from the one created by the friars. 4. Raise your children close to the image of the true God — the God who cannot be bribed, the God who is not greedy, the God who is the father of all, who is not partial, the God who does not fatten on the blood of the poor, who does not rejoice at the plaint of the afflicted, and does not confuse the intelligent mind. 5. Awaken and prepare the mind of the child for every good and desirable idea — love for honor, sincere and firm character, clear mind, clean conduct, noble action, love for one’s fellow men, respect for God — teach this to your children. 6. The central idea here is that whatever a mother shows to her children is what the children will become also. 7. If the mother is always kissing the hand of the friars in submission, then her children will grow up to be minions and mindless fools who do nothing but do as they are told, even if the very nature of the task would violate their rights as individuals. 8. Rizal also enumerates the qualities Filipino mothers have to possess. 9. A mother should be a noble wife and should rear her children in the service of the state. 10. A woman should set standards of behavior for men around her. Rizal’s Points for Reflection 1. In closing the letter, Rizal gave some 7 principles to the women of Malolos. 2. The 1st and the 4th principles are to take courage in engaging ones self in social action to assist others. 3. The 2nd principle is to consult with frankness and bravery and inculcate self respect in each and all. 4. The 3rd principle is to wing our way from the bondage of ignorance and that we should examine the truth in our own way. 5. The 5th principle reiterates the ideal that the instruction of children be given to the mothers first obligation. 6. The 6th and 7th principles want us to examine justice and equality as twin pillars of civilization and that each one must work for its full realization and that we must examine carefully the religious teachings being given us. Rizal was very impressed to the fighting spirit of the young women of Malolos had shown. In this letter of Rizal, it is obvious that his ultimate desire is to have women the same opportunity men received in terms of education. During those days young girls was not sent to school because of the universal notion that they would soon be only taken as wives and stay only at home with the children. But Rizal emphasizes on freedom of thought and right for education that both girls and boys should have. He had also shown to this letter all about that Spaniards friars. He cited, â€Å"God gave each individual reason and a will of his or her own to distinguish the just from the unjust; all were born without shackles and free, and nobody has a right to subjugate the will and the spirit of another. † We are all born equal, naked and without bonds. God did not create man to be a slave of others. A man who does not think for himself and allowed him to be guided by the thought of another is like the beast led by a halter. God give us intelligence that we may use against this slavery of others. We must be dignified, have faith on him and work together as one. In this letter he emphasizes different points. One is that Filipino mothers should teach her children love of God, country and fellowmen. Filipino mothers should be glad and honored, like Spartan mothers, to offer their sons in defense of their country. Filipino women should know how to protect their dignity and honor. They should educate themselves aside from retaining their good racial values. Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious pictures. It is living the real Christian way with good morals and manners. In recent times, it seems that these qualities are gradually lost in the way Filipino women conduct themselves. In recent times, it seems that these qualities are gradually lost in the way Filipino women conduct themselves. There are oftentimes moments where mothers forget their roles in rearing their children because of the overriding idea of having to earn for the family to supplement their husband’s income. Although there is nothing negative about working hard for the welfare of the family, there must always be balance in the way people go through life. Failure in the home cannot be compensated for by any amount of wealth or fame.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

How To Turn Spanish Adjectives Into Adverbs

In English, it is common to create an adverb by adding the suffix -ly to the end of an adjective. In Spanish, we can do something almost as easy—create an adverb by adding the suffix -mente to a certain form of the adjective. How to Use -Mente The -mente is added to the singular feminine form of the adjective. For example, the singular feminine form of ruidoso (noisy) is ruidosa, so the adverb form is ruidosamente (noisily). The adjectives with separate masculine and feminine forms are those whose dictionary listings end in -o, such as quieto (quiet). To create the corresponding adverb, change the ending to -a, in this case quieta, and then add -mente. Thus the corresponding adverb for quieto is quietamente (quietly). Since many adjectives have no separate masculine or feminine forms, the suffix is often simply added to the singular. So the adjective triste (sad) can be turned into the adverb tristemente, and feliz (happy) can easily be turned into felizmente (happily). Examples of Adjectives With Corresponding Adverbs Here are some of the most common Spanish adjectives that have corresponding -mente adverbs along with possible translations. Note that in a few cases the meanings of the Spanish adverbs are different than what you might expect simply from adding -ly to the English equivalent adjective. abierto (open), abiertamente (openly, obviously)aburrido (boring), aburridamente (in a boring manner)alto (tall, high), altamente (highly)cansado (tired), cansadamente (wearily, tediously)comà ºn (common), comà ºnmente (commonly, normally)dà ©bil (weak), dà ©bilmente (weakly)dulce (sweet, kind), dulcemente (sweetly, gently)equivocado (mistaken), equivocadamente (mistakenly)feo (ugly, dreary), feamente (horribly, badly)grande (large, great), grandemente (extremely, greatly; largely can often be translated using en gran parte or principalmente)inteligente (intelligent), inteligentemente (intelligently)justo (fair, just, exact), justamente (fairly, justly, exactly)lento (slowly), lentamente (slowly)limpio (clean), limpiamente (cleanly, with integrity or honesty)lindo (pretty, beautiful), lindamente (beautifully, elegantly)llana (flat, level, unpretentious, modest), llanamente (plainly, frankly, straightforwardly)loco (crazy), locamente (with lack of prudence or moderation)nuevo (new ), nuevamente (anew, again; a common way of saying newly is recientemente)pobre (poor), pobremente (poorly)rà ¡pido (quick, fast), rà ¡pidamente (quickly, rapidly)repugnante (repugnant), repugnantemente (repugnantly)raro (rare), raramente (rarely)rico (rich), ricamente (richly, very well, abundantly)sano (healthy), sanamente (healthily, healthfully)seco (dry), secamente  (coldly when referring to behavior; curtly)simple (simple, easy), simplemente (simply, straightforwardly)sucio (dirty), suciamente (in a dirty or filthy way, meanly)tonto (stupid, foolish), tontamente (stupidly, foolishly)tranquilo (quiet, calm), tranquilamente (quietly, calmly) Avoiding Overuse of -Mente Adverbs Even though a -mente adverb may exist doesnt always mean its the only or even the preferred way of expressing something. First, in Spanish, more so than English, it is common to use an adverbial phrase even though a single-word adverb may exist. For example, while baratamente can be used to indicate that something was bought or made cheaply, it is more common to say a precio bajo (at a low cost) or even de forma barata (in a cheap way). Second, there are a few adjectives that are often used as adverbs even though separate adverbial forms exist. Among the more common are rà ¡pido and lento, which can mean not just fast and slow, respectively, but also rapidly and slowly. Spelling and Pronunciation of -Mente Adverbs As in the above examples of dà ©bil and rà ¡pido, if an adjective has an accent mark, the corresponding -mente adverb retains the accent mark, even though the spoken emphasis likely will be on the next-to-last syllable. Adverbs in a Series When two or more -mente adverbs are used in a series, the -mente suffix is frequently dropped from all but the last adverb. This is especially common in written Spanish. Examples: Habla lenta y claramente. (She speaks slowly and clearly.)Anda cuidada, dolorosa y pacientemente. (He walks carefully, painfully and patiently.)Creo que està ¡s equivocado: triste, absoluta y totalmente equivocado. (I think youre mistaken — sadly, absolutely and totally mistaken.)